How to Use TimeBee’s Team Dashboard?

TimeBee’s Team Dashboard provides maximum visibility into the most important insights and summaries of the workforce and groups at daily, weekly, quarterly, or monthly levels.

Insight 1: Company-Wide Total Hours Worked Summary

The work hour distribution widget is right at the top of your screen when you open the Team Dashboard from the web app. It shows the sum of the total worked hours of every user accumulatively and divides the time into 4 categories.

  • Productive Time: Time spent on work-related activities
  • Unproductive Time: Time Spent on non-work related activities
  • Unrated Time: Time spent on uncategorized web and apps
  • Idle Time: Recorded time without mouse or keyboard activity

It helps to find out the productivity level of the whole company at a glance.

Insight 2: Top Projects Widget

The top Project widget is right below the Work Hour Distribution widget. It gives a summary of all the active projects and how many hours have been spent on each. It also shows the total tracked time on the side.

You can easily keep tabs on the projects and evaluate the progress.

Insight 3: Top Productive and Unproductive Hours Widget

This widget is divided into two parts.

  • Top Productive Hours based on Web and App usage: It lists the most productive users based on Web and App usage.
  • Top Unproductive Hours based on Web and App usage: It lists the most unproductive users based on Web and App usage.

Insight 4: Maximum and Minimum Tracked Hours Widget

This widget is also divided into two parts.

  • Maximum Tracked Hours: It shows the users with the most tracked hours.
  • Minimum Tracked Hours: It shows the list of users with the least tracked hours.

Insight 5: Most Used Productive and Unproductive App

It is the last widget on the Team Dashboard and is also divided into 2 parts.

  • Most Used Productive Websites & Apps: It provides a list of the most used sites and apps that are marked productive either globally or company-wide in the web and apps rating with the time stamps.
  • Most Used Unproductive Websites & Apps: It provides a list of the most used sites and apps that are marked unproductive either globally or company-wide in the web and apps rating with the time stamps.

Click here to learn how to use the Web & Apps Usage report.

How To Customize Team Dashboard?

To view specific summaries for a single user, multiple users, or groups, use the “User” filter. For date-specific summary reports, set the date from the “Date” filter.

Who can Access and View the Team Dashboard?

Only the owners or the admins can access or view the Team Dashboard.

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