Organization Profile In TimeBee

Your Organization Profile in TimeBee is where you will name your organization and set your high-level organizational rules.

Organization details are fields you created when you first created your account. These are: “Organization Name, Owner’s Name, and Owner’s Email.

How to Access the Organization Profile in TimeBee?

To access “Organization Profile,” open the dashboard and click on your user name at the top right corner of the page. Select “Organization Profile” from the drop-down menu.

How to Customize the Organization Profile in TimeBee?

You can configure the high-level rules for your organization here. Rules you can change are:

  • Screenshots: The time interval between screenshots.
  • Timeout After: The duration after which the app displays the distraction alert.
  • Silent Monitoring: When enabled, the time bar on the desktop will disappear.
  • Time Zone: Defines which timezone to display time against.
  • Currency: Defines payroll and billing currency.

To customize any of these options, just tap on the drop-down menu and select your desired option. Once you have customized the settings, click on the Save button to save the changes.

Note: Since these settings are operated from the Organization Profile, each setting will apply to the whole organization. So, for example, if you choose a 5-minute interval for screenshots, it will apply to all the users in the organization except for the ones whose settings are done individually.

However, if you want to set screenshots and timeout after intervals individually, you can do it from the “User Management page.

Note: The owner's name and owner's email address are uneditable. However, the organization name is editable and can only be done by the owner.

Who can Access and Customize the Organization Profile Settings in TimeBee?

Only the owner or the admins can access and customize the settings.

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